Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Little Bit of Magic...(A Lot of Spray Paint and Some New Knobs)

Remember Me?

This ugly, yet sturdy and functional, table was going to be put in the dumpster. Well we couldn't have that now, could we?

Ta da!

A few cans of Valspar Pistachio spray paint (which I ought to warn you looks nothing like the light and pretty spring green on the cap),

and some Pottery Barn knobs...

And this little girl LOVES her new bedside table!

Here's the cost rundown:

Table FREE!!!
Spray Paint $7.96
Knobs $15.90 (w/ free shipping...oh yeah!)
Labor FREE (because I made my husband do it)

Total $23.86

Have a great weekend!



  1. That really turned out great. I wish I was more crafty!

  2. That is so adorable! You did an amazing job and I love the color! Your daughter is so cute and looks pretty happy about her new dresser! :)


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