I answered, "Meatloaf."
The look of horror on that child's face was priceless. "Meatloaf is bisgusting," he whined. (and no that is not a typo, he said "bisgusting")
I replied, "Oh well. That's what I'm making, so that's what you're eating."
But, after the words left my mouth, I remembered something. I remembered being nine, and thinking meatloaf was indeed "bisgusting". I also remembered thinking that when I grew up and had my own kids, I would never make them eat meatloaf. What is it about meatloaf anyway? Kids hate it! You even say the word "meatloaf" around a kid between the ages of 2 and 20, and it elicits dirty looks and gagging noises.
So, as I continued making dinner, which consisted of another chilhood fave, the dreaded PEAS, I started thinking about everything I used to say I would and would not do when I grew up.
Like, I used to say that I was going to leave the "awful" town I am from, and move to California, Malibu, to be precise, and write soap operas. Don't ask me why I thought soap opera writers lived in Malibu.
I was also going to marry a doctor, not a carpenter like my dad (whom I love dearly and provided well for us while we were growing up).
I was never going to be a stay at home mom! I hated to cook or bake, or anything domestic.
And finally I was never going to dress my kids in clothes from Kmart!!
Well guess what...
I live the next town over from my hometown. My husband is a carpenter. For three years I stayed home with my son, before going back to work VERY part-time (at my dad's construction company, where my handsome hubby works). I LOVE to bake and cook, and prefer it to almost anything. And my kids have clothes from, shhhh....Kmart.
And I wouldn't trade any of it for a life in Malibu with a doctor husband.
I got all of that from a meatloaf.
Fish. That's what I always thought was "bisgusting" when I was a kid. Funny thing now is that I love fish! I even order it when we go out to dinner. All the things on the menu and I order fish. There are a lot of things we never imagined we'd do when we got older, and here we are!